Graphic design studio
Jane Secret, Nicolas Millot & Faustine Lemens
37, rue Aristote – 59800 Lille, France
bonjour [ at ]
+33 (0)6 79 94 71 35 Jane
+33 (0)6 33 19 22 17 Nicolas
+33 (0)6 42 28 31 31 Faustine
→ Follow us on Instagram
Surfaces is a graphic design studio that creates unique, multi-faceted and long-lasting graphic objects from commissioned work, with a research approach and radical sensibility.
Since its inception in 2016, the studio has focused on the choice of media (materials, inks, binding and finishing, etc.) and the relevance of usage (ergonomics, hierarchy of information, experience, etc.), exploring fields of graphic and plastic investigation that convey both meaning and singularity.
This singularity is found in response to a commissioned situation—always unique—echoing a specific context: social, cultural, or economic.
If the graphic designer is ultimately no more than a translator or an interpreter (perhaps precisely somewhere in the spectrum between both?), transforming the problems of a context into a graphic object, then dialogue and the definition of a common language with the client become crucial factors in achieving the simplicity of evidence.
We aim to explore the functional, aesthetic and emotional potential of each project by confronting different technical processes (printing, binding, finishing, as well as digital processes) and pushing the boundaries of what is traditionally considered possible.
Based on our technical expertise in printing and fabrication, we postulate that the process of document production is at least as important as the graphic forms that compose it, if not more so. When the process is well designed, the resulting forms are appropriate. Ultimately, it's simply a matter of making a message intelligible through a visual medium, where the words medium and visual are inextricably linked.
This approach allows graphic forms to emerge that escape standardisation, provoking our own surprise and, we hope, the public's as well.
As part of this process, we also co-founded the Combo Combo festival (→ More details)
We welcome students (3rd year bachelor / master) for paid internships lasting at least 2 months.
Unfortunately, due to the large number of applications we receive, we cannot respond to all of them.
Many thanks to the students who have worked with us in the past: Alexandra Rio, Nathalie Dupasquier, Sophie Leduc, Justine Herbel and Roxanne Anèse.
Combo Combo Festival
Opening of Combo Combo No. 4. Photos: Rémi Debreu.
In 2018, Surfaces co-founded the Combo Combo graphic design festival in Lille with Atelier Bien-Vu and Rémi Gaudet.
Since its inception, the festival has taken on a variety of formats, including exhibitions, conferences, open workshops and print image fairs, with a focus on contemporary graphic design practice.
All these events are structured around an exhibition of posters designed for the occasion by eight regional, national and international graphic designers (or collectives). The eight posters are presented in a scenographic display and are available for sale (at the events and online) to help fund the organisation of the event.
In addition to these original posters—and this is the special feature of our proposal—we are presenting a series of original posters: the result of a graphic experiment bringing together the designers' productions by superposing layers of colour. The posters are printed by Lézard Graphique ( our sincere thanks to them for their support and guidance).
As is often the case in our approach, the production process is decisive.
Printing process in the Lézard Graphique workshop in Brumath.
To talk briefly about the printing technique: each graphic designer is assigned a pair of colours (from among two possibilities). By arranging and overlapping the colours, it is then possible to print all the posters on a single sheet (120 × 180 cm).
Alternating the printing of certain colours was then enough to produce original poster combinations that mixed the graphic designers' work. The result is six combinations of two colours per pair of posters, for a total of twenty-four unique posters.
During the printing process, an additional layer (the ‘black layer’) is added to the posters to generate the communication documents. Photos 2 to 6: Rémi Debreu.
The poster printing template also enables us to produce communication documents for the event (two Decaux posters, eight 59 × 87.5 cm posters, and thirty-two different edition covers).
A risography-printed edition—somewhere between an exhibition catalogue and a carte blanche—is also published, listing all the posters produced as well as exclusive texts written by a guest author (philosopher, art centre director, writer, etc.).
Over the years, we have invited both established and emerging graphic designers to take part, with the aim of achieving a balanced representation of genres and territories. The first four editions of Combo Combo brought together more than fifty graphic designers from twelve different countries.
→ More info: Combo Combo
- France Design Week — Ondulations,
Roubaix, 2024 - Mondes nouveaux × Beaux-Arts de Paris - Un rendez-vous artistique,
Paris, 2023 - Combo Combo No. 4
Lille, 2022 - Combo Combo No. 3
Lille, 2020 - Lille Capitale Mondiale du Design
Maison POC Ville Collaborative & Habiter
Lille, 2020 - Aperçu avant Impression
espace 36, Saint-Omer
France, 2020 - Combo Combo No. 2
Lille, 2019 - Biennale internationale de design graphique de Chaumont
Chaumont, 2019 - Supports imprimés I & II
Les Brasseurs
Liège, Belgique, 2019 - Combo Combo No. 1
France, 2018 - Les Rencontres du Design #3
France, 2015 - TYPOjam
Bodrogkisfalud, Hongrie
2015 - #PopupGarage
Point Éphémère, Paris
France, 2014 - Fête de la Musique de Shangai
Consulat général de France, Shangai
Chine, 2014 - Ficciones Typografika
1316 E. 36th St.
Minneapolis, USA, 2014 - La Campagne
Point Éphémère, Paris
France, 2012 - ReVisionArts
Center 548, New York City
USA, 2012 - Galerie 400%
France, 2012 - Design des signes / Le mois du graphisme
France, 2010 - Graphisme dans la rue
France, 2009 - Graphisme dans la rue
France, 2008 - International Poster and Graphic Design Festival
France, 2008 - Graphisme dans la rue
France, 2007 - Student, all to Chaumont!
France, 2007
- Three Dimensional Type
Counter-Print, 2024 - Emojisierung
Eine historische und semiotische Studie zu Emojis, Deborah Enzmann,
Niggli, 2023 - Mondes Nouveaux
Beaux-Arts de Paris éditions, 2023 - +20, une anthologie qui retrace 20 ans du projet associatif 2010-2020
espace 36, 2022 - Étapes 262
Pyramid, 2021 - Graphisme en France
Cnap, 2020 - Post medium Biennale internationale de design graphique
Catalogue, 2019 - Ficciones Typografika 1642 — Typographic exploration in a public space
avec Nathalie Dupasquier
Formist Editions, 2019 - Intramuros 194
Beemedias, 2019 - Pli 04 — Matière(s)
Pli éditions, 2018 - Page Unlimited 2 — Innovations in Layout Design
Sandu, 2013 - Introducing: Cultural Identities
Gestalten, 2013 - 400 % Saison 1 [2011-2012]
Galerie 400 %, 2013 - Whatever Gets You Through The Night
2013 - INfluencia, La conversation
INfluencia, 2013 - Thank You For Playing With Us
Large, 2011 - Étapes 185
Pyramid, 2010 - Étapes 173
Pyramid, 2009 - Ah ! la Rue
École Supérieure d’Art de Cambrai, 2009 - 19th International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont
Catalogue, 2008 - 17th International Poster and Graphic Design Festival of Chaumont
Student Catalogue, 2007
- Dans mon Workshop, il y a…
ECV, Lille, 2024 - Le Meilleur Workshop du Monde
ÉSAAT, Roubaix, 2024 - Save the Day!
ECV, Lille, 2023 - Pince-moi je rêve
e-artsup, Lille, 2022 - La Capsule du Temps
ECV, Lille, 2023 - Petit mais Costaud
ECV, Lille, 2023 - Typo Type No. 1
e-artsup, Lille, 2022 - Le Nuancier d'Actualités
ECV, Lille, 2022 - Et si...
ECV, Lille, 2022 - Le Bal des Refusés
ÉSAAT, Roubaix, 2021 - Montrer la Collection
ECV, Lille, 2021 - Mini Combo Combo No. 1
ECV, Lille, 2020 - « C'est hyper beau ! » — En quête graphique de la perfection
ECV, Lille, 2020 - Heavy Metal
Lycée Normandie Niemen, Calais, 2020 - Monumentale Erreur
ECV, Lille, 2019 - État des Lieux
ÉSAAT, Roubaix, 2019 - Fast and Furious
avec Martial Marquet, ESAD, Valenciennes, 2018 - La matière des images
ÉSAAT, Roubaix, 2018 - BEAU
e-artsup, Lille, 2017 - Book! #2
e-artsup, Lille, 2017 - Recto Verso
ECV, Lille, 2017 - Mon affiche Surréaliste
Lycée Baudelaire, Évry, 2017 - Projet Dictionnaire
Lycée Perret, Évry, 2017 - L’archéologue du futur
ÉSAAT, Roubaix, 2017 - Être designer graphique en situation de crise
avec Jean-Baptiste Bourgois, ECV, Lille, 2016 - Playground, redéfinir le terrain de jeu
ÉSAAT, Roubaix, 2016 - Specimen
ECV, Lille, 2015 - Chemin de faire
avec Studio Corpus, ÉSAAT, Roubaix, 2014 - Book! #1
e-artsup, Lille, 2013 - L’Utopique
e-artsup, Lille, 2013 - Poster Tribute
ECV, Lille, 2012 - Vernaculaire spectaculaire
ECV, Lille, 2012 - Ville de Caractères
ÉSA Cambrai, 2012
Lectures / Interviews
- En quête de satisfaction (In search of satisfaction)
Transat graphique Festival, Liège, Belgium, 2024 - Journée éducation artistique et culturelle de la Drac Hauts-de-France
Atelier Canopé, Lille, 2024 - Journée d’étude, Design graphique et création contemporaine
Collège Saint-Bertin, Saint-Omer, 2022 - Collaboration graphique
espace 36, Saint-Omer, 2022 - Bonjour (Hello)
École Supérieure d’Art et de Design de Valenciennes, France, 2018 - Conversation avec…
Le Radiographe, 2018
→ Listen (in french) - Disons Design
École Supérieure des Arts Appliqués et du Textile, Roubaix, France, 2016 - Dizaïn 18
Imaginarium, Tourcoing, France, 2014 - PechaKucha Night #8
Gare Saint Sauveur, Lille, France, 2014 - PechaKucha Night #4
L’hybride, Lille, France, 2013 - Présentation
École Supérieure d’Art de Cambrai, France, 2012
- Field
- Medium
- Feature
- Spot colour and Technical ink (41)
- Silk-screen printing (16)
- Combinatorial principle (15)
- Collection and Series (12)
- Variable formats (12)
- Non-standard shaping (10)
- Pulp Coloured Paper (9)
- Technical experimentation (9)
- Cut-out (5)
- Mix and match (5)
- Optimisation (5)
- Singular format (4)
- Stamping and Embossing (3)
- Varnish (3)
- Live Stream (1)
- Client
- Acap (1)
- Camoufleur gallery (6)
- Centre Pompidou (1)
- College of Applied Arts and Textiles, Roubaix (1)
- Combo Combo (2)
- de Beste Kamer (1)
- Drac Hauts-de-France (1)
- Éditions Sylvain Courbois (3)
- espace 36 (5)
- Finapar (1)
- Institute for photography (1)
- IREV (1)
- Julien Levesque (1)
- Kiprun (1)
- La Cave aux Poètes (5)
- LaM (2)
- Le Fresnoy — National studio of contemporary arts (1)
- Le Grand Mix (1)
- L'Haha (1)
- lille—design (4)
- Louvre-Lens (1)
- Mathilde Lavenne (1)
- MUba Eugène Leroy (1)
- Museum of La Borne (1)
- Nuances Littorales (1)
- Principe d'Incertitude (1)
- SEM Ville Renouvelée (1)
- SIANA (3)
- Spacing (1)
- SPL Euralille (2)
- University of Artois (1)
- Vilogia (2)
This website is designed and developed by Surfaces using the Processwire open source CMS. The typefaces—Suisse Int'l and Suisse Works—are published by Swiss Typefaces. Photos by Surfaces unless otherwise stated.
Special thanks to Sylvain Courbois, Paul Tahon and Armin Zoghi.